Our experiences are diverse and relevant to our clients' success. The below list highlights some of the experiences of our professionals:


A business unit of an international publishing company (FT Global 250) needed to update their strategic plan due to its evolving market environment. The head of the subsidiary requested a detailed market analysis in order to predict trends, define a growth strategy, and address capability gaps.


Partnering with the client's internal strategy group, we developed an analytical approach driven by both primary and secondary market research.

With an insight based questionnaire, we conducted customer interviews to understanding purchasing needs, criteria, and trends. Data collected from these discussions were validated with internal historical purchasing information to formulate an assessment of future trends.

Leveraging a combination of primary and secondary data sources, we constructed a detailed forecast model that segmented the market and analyzed growth potential within each segment by customer type. With this tool, we were able to conduct scenario analyses and depict future market conditions.


Our work was the foundation for our client's strategic plan, enabling the organization to validate hypotheses regarding the marketplace and to identify areas of future opportunities and threats.


A global pharmaceutical company wanted to evaluate opportunities to expand usage for a drug that it just launched around the world, formulating a robust lifecycle management plan.


Participating as a member of a cross-functional team, our professional worked with this company to evaluate several opportunities to incorporate into the brand's lifecycle plan.

Due to the global nature of the brand, our professional collected input from internal representatives of key countries regarding their interest level (if any) in pursuing these opportunities in their respective market. Furthermore, he validated such interest by working with this company to design a global market research campaign, testing targeted product profiles (TPPs) and targeted product claims (TPCs) with physicians.

Our professional constructed financial models that leveraged information collected from the primary market research activities and from secondary data sources. Using these tools, he was able to conduct scenario analyses, testing different assumptions to characterize the return and risk profile of each opportunity. He was able to isolate key value drivers such as treatment rates, launch year, physician preference (market share), payer / reimbursement interactions, and duration of therapy.


This company used our professional's work during governance reviews to update and present recommendations, including whether to pursue a project and, if so, how, to their senior management.


A major pharmaceutical company was preparing for the US launch of a new drug for a niche patient population. One key element to this launch was the determination of price for the therapy.


Collaborating with the client, we assembled a pricing model to examine scenarios based on various assumptions for dosing schedules and healthcare coverage. We identified key value drivers and important pricing relationships.


The client implemented our recommended pricing strategy, one that is flexibility enough to account for the approval of additional dosages without impacting margins on the current doses.

To contact The AC3 Group, please fill out the form on the contact page.

5 Harvard Place, Brookline, MA 02446

345 West 58th Street, Suite 14T
New York, NY 10019

Fax: 1. 866.594.0297